Hormones safer than you might think

Hormones: Safer than you might think!

We’re talking hormones

Honorary guest Dr. James Simon joined forces with us in a recent episode of Let’s Chat with Dr. Bitner to educate viewers on the risks, benefits, and ideal candidates for hormone replacement therapy treatment. Only 5 to 10% of women who can undergo hormone therapy decide to do so, a staggeringly low amount. There has been skepticism about hormone treatment in past years regarding whether or not it’s healthy, and Dr. Simon and Dr. Bitner came to set the record straight. Hormones are actually far safer than they’re often perceived to be. There’s been a bit of misinformation about hormones. Myths float around online, one, in particular, being that estrogen causes breast cancer. The answer to that is a resounding NO!

Meet Dr. Simon!

Dr. Simon is a world-renowned expert on hormone replacement therapy and has been named “The Menopause Whisperer.” He co-authored the book “Restore Yourself: A Woman’s Guide to Reviving Her Sexual Desire and Passion for Life,” and in 2012, he was featured in the film “Hot Flash Havoc.” He is a former president of the North American Menopause Society, the Washington Gynecological Society, and the International Society for Study of Women’s Sexual Health.

A natural solution

It’s normal to be hesitant to introduce something new into our bodies. However, with hormone therapy, you’re introducing something your body has produced naturally your whole life. Estrogen and progesterone are substances your body knows how to handle, and the decreasing of the hormones through menopause is what causes the unfavorable symptoms. Hormone therapy can alleviate them. Some benefits of hormone therapy include a more restful night’s sleep, improving brain cell growth, stronger bones, improved central nervous system function, better sexual function, and mood. Progesterone is recommended for women who have a uterus and can be an additional aid for sleep.

How to take HRT?

There are several methods of HRT we discussed: hormone releasing patches, transvaginal rings, and oral estrogen supplements. It can be boiled down to preference, but in the case where a patient possesses a high risk for things like blood clots, it’s advised that they stay away from oral hormones. Dr. Bitner and Dr. Simon also discuss the science behind common menopause symptoms such as hot flashes. The window at which the human body is comfortable temperature-wise is made more narrow, causing intense sweating or shivering at the slightest change of temperature. Estrogen widens the range of comfort back up again.

Don’t forget testosterone

Testosterone is another important hormone in our systems, though at a quantity less than men. Make no mistake, it is a female hormone! During menopause, testosterone production decreases by about half. It brings many benefits to the heart, muscle strength, and bones, but most women turn to testosterone to aid their libido and sexual function. Testosterone pellets are not recommended, due to the fact that it’s difficult to control the amount released into the body.

Our five take-away tips:

  1. Know your phase of ovarian function.
  2. Have a clear goal or Picture of Self.
  3. Take the SEEDS® checklist and download the ebook.
  4. Know your options for treatment.
  5. Take the menopause transition scale to list and understand your symptoms.

We hope that you watch our live stream recording below! We received a lot of positive engagement. The community our patients have helped to build at true. is what has allowed us to continue our Let’s Chat live streams and respond to your stories and concerns. We hope you learn a lot about hormone therapy, and we welcome you to contact us with any questions you may have about hormones!


Gather the girls!

Join the true. Women’s Health team at our clinic for a Galleri® Cancer testing event on Tuesday, February 11th, at 5:30 pm.