Let's Chat About What Women's Health Is Worth

Let’s Chat About What Women’s Health Is Worth

It’s my mission to reach women everywhere with a different way of thinking about their health. Women’s health is more important than most make it out to be and I want to empower women on a lifelong journey of wellness.

The Reality Is Women Typically Do Not Prioritize Their Health

When I ask women how often they focus on their health, the typical response is once or twice a year based on what insurance pays. “I go for an annual exam and my breast exam. The visit lasts 15-20 minutes; I get my pap and prescriptions refilled. I might get labs checked and later get a postcard in the mail that says to ‘eat better’ because my cholesterol is up. That’s it. Why would I pay more for that?!”

At true., we think about women’s health very differently.

The Current Women’s Health System Does Not Focus On Preventative Care

This current system has done nothing about the 80% of women who suffer menopause symptoms. This system does nothing about the 1/3 women who die of preventable heart attacks. This system has done nothing to address midlife weight gain, low sex drive, painful sex, depression, anxiety, pre-diabetes, and dementia.

Did you know that 80% of the health conditions are preventable? Just because your mom had heart disease, diabetes, obesity, depression, or breast cancer does not mean you have to!

Especially Now…Women Need To Put Themselves First

The fix is not all about better medicines; it is about women knowing they can keep feeling good, doing what they want when they want without having limitations. Especially now, with the global pandemic, we have had it put in our face that our health is most important. Don’t you want to know where you stand on all of your health risks? We take the surprise out of aging and put the control back in your hands. I ask you, what is your health goal? Do you have a financial goal? Do you have goals for your children? How about a retirement plan? Do you dream of the house on the beach or having an RV and traveling the West? But do you have a goal and plan for how you will feel, and what activity you are capable of when you head out on your cross-country trek?

Especially after midlife, there are no free-days, every day counts. I am talking about what you eat, what you drink, and how active you are.

We Need To Change The Way We Think About Women’s Health

I want to shift the paradigm! We need a preventative approach that is gender-specific. Too many people look to a doctor after there is a problem, to “manage” the issue. We started true. Women’s Health to encourage women to think about their care 24/7 – 365 days a year.

I want to help prevent heart attack, dementia, and other symptoms that women might experience as they age from migraines to vaginal dryness and weight gain.

I Started true. To Put Women At The Center Of Their Own Care!

With true. you always have access to a provider and with our Total Wellness offering can come in as many times as you want. We are a one-stop for all your health needs.

At the heart of our approach is putting women at the center of their own care. I use  W*A*I (Who Am I) as the cornerstone to build your personalized and customized care.

We are also excited about our proprietary app which allows you to chart your own health journey. Think Peloton of healthcare! The questions we ask before your visit are meant to be thought-provoking and get you started thinking differently about your life. Women who use the app now said it made them think about their future and never had a health goal before using it. 

We Also Have Other Systems Of Care for Women’s Health

So, my question for everyone is: How much is your health worth?

My belief is that investing in wellness and preventative care is far less expensive than treating an illness.

Also, we tend to prioritize getting our nails or hair done, going to the spa, or going out to dinner with friends. We take the time to do the things that make us feel good. That is great! But shouldn’t our health also be on this short-list?

We created true. Women’s Health so we could focus on preventative, gender-specific care where the patient is at the center of their own care and has unlimited access.

Again a paradigm shift…instead of insurance telling you when and how often you should see your doctor, you determine your own care.

You do pay upfront (something we are not used to), but our approach offers patients a one-stop for all their health needs. You have unlimited appointments, including your yearly exam and urgent care needs, access to a provider 24 hours a day, a counselor who will reach out to check on you, nutrition experts on call, and educational seminars.

I passionately believe in this system of care and have seen the results of how much my patients benefit. I would love to answer any questions from you and really understand any hurdles you might have about this approach.

It’s time to put yourself at the center of your own care! I want you to know that there are solutions and you can feel good… everyday!

By Diana Bitner, M.D.


Gather the girls!

Join the true. Women’s Health team at our clinic for a Galleri® Cancer testing event on Tuesday, February 11th, at 5:30 pm.