Women make up more than half of the U.S. population, yet their unique medical needs are frequently ignored. Factors like gender bias, race, and inequality in medical research are partly to blame. But most medical schools and residency programs also don’t teach aspiring physicians about menopause, leaving women who are experiencing symptoms untreated. As a result, too many women receive fragmented, inadequate care.
At true. Women’s Health, we believe in a team approach that focuses on preventive care and emotional well-being for women. We look at what a woman needs holistically, and our healthcare providers work together to ensure patients get the right medical care. From menopause-focused care and cancer survivorship to primary care and weight optimization, true. is a complete healthcare experience for all women.
Let’s Chat with Dr. Bitner, Dr. Egan, and Physician Assistant Susanne
In this Let’s Chat, the true. team discusses the importance of a team-based, holistic approach through three patient examples.
Patient 1: Jane* came in and said, “I’m not me. I just don’t feel like myself. I can’t define it, but I feel unmotivated and don’t feel good.”
Patient 2: During an appointment, Susan* said, “I work with all men, and I’m so embarrassed at work when I experience hot flashes. I also wake up three times a night with night sweats, leaving me tired all the time. Plus, I have been gaining weight and losing hair…I need help!”
Patient 3: Toni*, a 41-year-old patient, mentioned, “I feel so wired all the time, my brain just won’t turn off. I can’t sleep, I can’t focus, I’m irritable, and I don’t feel right.”
Do any of these patient experiences sound similar to you? If the answer is yes, tune in to listen to the team discuss different care approaches and about true.’s unique practice designed by women for women!
Let’s Chat Participant Q & A
We love hearing from patients and Let’s Chat guests on our Live Show! Here are some of the questions that came up during this discussion.
Q: Can you tell us more about the recently approved Veozah?
A: The FDA recently approved Veozah, a non-hormonal hot flash treatment that works to treat the body’s internal thermostat. Before menopause, the body can comfortably function two degrees above or below your normal body temperature. As estrogen levels begin to fall during menopause, this comfort zone begins to narrow, causing the body to become susceptible to hot flashes. Veozah is the first medication to target the neuron receptors that control the body’s thermostat. It will be a good option for women who have had breast cancer, heart disease, or other risk factors that prevent the use of hormone treatments.
Q: Why do some people have hot flashes and some people have night sweats?
A: 80% of women experience hot flashes and night sweats. Some differences come down to how individuals care for their health through SEEDS®, and some differences, unfortunately, are luck of the draw based on race and genetics. The SWAN Study began in 1996, observing over 3000 women of different ethnicities to study how women from various backgrounds experience menopause. They found that biology and ethnicity factor into how women experience menopause symptoms. Women of Color have the highest prevalence and longest duration and are most bothered by their vasomotor symptoms. Asian women have the lowest vasomotor symptom prevalence. Additionally, Women of Color tended to have hot flashes, on average, for 10+ years as compared to White women who experience hot flashes, on average, for 6 years.
Q: How do you decide on who sees what patients at true.?
A: Often, we let the patients decide on a practitioner if it fits in with both patient and physician schedules. If you are in the Complete Wellness Program, you will likely meet with all three of us. Sometimes appointments are based on your most bothersome symptom. Dr. Egan specializes in weight, primary care, heart, and diabetes. Susanne specializes in mood, thyroid, and primary care. Dr. Bitner specializes in hot flashes, irregularity, and phase of ovarian function. And all three are Certified Menopause Practitioners!
Q: Will you be introducing a new app at some point?
A: We are currently working on new app options with our marketing team! Stay tuned for new developments for patients.
Q: I’m not sure I want to know the results from a cancer screening test like Galleri…
A: We know it can be really scary to think about the possibility of cancer! The biggest reason we offer this test is because we hope early detection can save lives. Early detection gives patients more options (possibly a surgery over chemotherapy) and makes it easier to treat the cancer. Plus, tests like Galleri® focus on cancers that don’t have great screening processes (ie: gallbladder cancer).
Take-Home Tips:
- Know your phase of ovarian function. Most women don’t realize there are actually three phases: Reproductive, Perimenopause, and Menopause. Understanding which phase you are in will help us to determine your risk of preventable illnesses (i.e., diabetes or heart disease) as well as how to best approach treatment plans.
- Get started on your own with SEEDS®. SEEDS®, the Seven Essential Elements of Daily Success, provides simple steps to start setting a good foundation for better future health. These essentials include: Water, Sleep, Macronutrients, Micronutrients, Fiber, Physical Activity, and Mind/Body Connection. If you supply your body with these basic essentials daily, you are more likely to alleviate symptoms often associated with menopause. SEEDS® is also about intentionality. I want to feel better, I want to be strong, and I want to live life to its potential.
- Take the Menopause Transition Scale Quiz on our website. MTS is a validated tool to quantify and track your midlife and menopause symptoms. It is helpful for understanding your triggers and tracking your habits – providing you with baseline knowledge to talk with your doctor about symptoms and treatment options. MTS is also beneficial for your mental health. It validates what you are experiencing and proves that this is not “just all in your head.”
- Know your options for hormone replacement therapy. Hormones are safer than you think! It is important to discuss the pros and cons, risk factors, and hormone options with your provider. If your provider isn’t sure, it is okay to ask for a referral to a Certified Menopause Practitioner.
- Know your options for weight loss medications. Everyone’s journey with weight is different. In the past, certain weight medications were pulled from the market. Today, there are now a lot of safe weight medication options available. While not every medication will be right for every patient, it is still worth having a conversation about different options with your provider.