WAI Pontes®

What are the WAI Pointes®?

If you’re new to our true. community, you might be wondering what makes our practice different than a regular doctor’s office. One big difference is that our focus is on HEALTH care, not SICK care. It’s about prevention and wellness BEFORE you have a health issue, and addressing the health concerns you currently have. We guide you on a health journey and show you the way through our process of care called WAI Pointes®.

What do you want for your life?

WAI is an acronym for “Who Am I?” It is the foundation of our process of care at true., and another way of asking, “What do I want for my life and how can I achieve my goals?”

WAI Pointes® makes it easier for you to see how every aspect of your life fits together to make you well – or unwell as you age. WAI Pointes® helps you identify your risk factors and outline steps to reduce age-associated illnesses through lifestyle changes, medicine, and motivation. We guide you through nine very specific areas of wellness – these are your WAI Pointes®!

“What do I want for my life and how can I achieve my goals?”

As a Complete Wellness member, your program covers all nine areas and we can be your PCP. If you choose Basic Wellness, your program covers the three most important WAI Pointes® – A, B, and F. Our Cancer Wellness program focuses on A, B, C, F, and H.

WAI Pointes®

This process of care shifts the focus from problem-based (or sick-based) healthcare to preventative and goal-based healthcare – founded on what YOU want for your life! We are just the navigator with the map and tips to getting there, but you are the captain, and the goals and choices are yours!

You can read more about WAI Pointes® in Dr. Bitner’s book or become a patient and let us start the journey with you!

Gather the girls!

Join the true. Women’s Health team at our clinic for a Galleri® Cancer testing event on Tuesday, February 11th, at 5:30 pm.